Obama Turkey Pardon_2

President Obama prepares to pardon a turkey during last year’s pre-Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon ceremony. (Photo Credit: The White House) 

Want to know more about the whole process behind the Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon ceremony? Then we recommend this interesting National Public Radio article

This Week’s Highlights

The TTIPAction Team wishes You and Your Families a Happy Thanksgiving!

Food for Thought 
study by the University of Illinois found that 46 million turkeys are eaten each Thanksgiving. In light of these numbers and the spirit of the upcoming US holidays, the TTIPAction team would like to eradicate a widely spread myth on the lowering of food standards in general and the EU import of chlorine chicken in particular, through TTIP.

Especially in Germany, these issues are at the forefront of criticism against TTIP. However, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has assured her electorate on several occasions that “food standards won’t be lowered through TTIP”, and that “Chlorine chicken will not be imported because of TTIP.” 

In parallel to the Chancellor’s promises, there have been independent studies from both the European Food Safety Authority and the US Congressional Research Service on the use of Pathogen Reduction Treatments in poultry production which concluded independently from each other that “chemical substances in poultry are unlikely to pose an immediate or acute health risk for consumers.”

Speeches and Official Announcements

Joint US-EU Press Statement on the Transatlantic Economic Council and Cooperation on Innovation for Growth

Following meetings last week, representatives from the United States and the European Union released a joint statement on progress made in revitalizing the Transatlantic Economic Council to help foster innovation, growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, and cooperation on harmonizing standards, specifically for the auto and healthcare industries. The Council was established in 2007 to provide a high-level forum for representatives from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss regulatory and industrial knowledge, and was used to help launch TTIP negotiations. (US Department of State


TTIP Trade Deal ‘Could Help Boost Exports by £40bn’

The British Government has suggested that a TTIP agreement could boost exports from the United Kingdom by £40 billion. In recent remarks, Business Minister Sajid Javid countered fears that the National Health System (NHS) would be privatized in an agreement saying TTIP “won’t remove the hard-fought environmental or workplace safety regulations that make Britain such a great place to live and do business.” (ITV)

TTIP Action Partners

Rigoni di Asiago, a century old family-owned company from Italy, produces delicious, organically farmed and GMO free jams, honeys and chocolate spreads. A family business that, with time, has become an international brand, Rigoni di Asiago is inspired by traditional recipes and supported by continual research and innovation, to achieve the finest and tastiest products that are both good for the consumer and respect nature.

Marsilli is a global manufacturing solutions provider of coil/motor winding and assembly systems for the automotive, appliance, industrial, consumer, and RFID electronics industries.

Do you like reading TTIP&TRADE in Action as much as we enjoy writing it? If you are interested in supporting our work, please contact us at Mkasperek@atlanticcouncil.org, we offer partnerships at various levels. 

Recent Analysis

How Trade Will Help Avert the Next Crisis

 In this article, Ardevan Yaghoubi, former Program Assistant of the Atlantic Council’s Global Business and Economics Program, connects the dots between the financial crisis, debt, and trade and argues that both TTIP and the TPP will help the United States transition to a more export-focused economy. He suggests that this will help move the United States away from the debt-fueled consumption that contributed to the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis and toward more sustainable, balanced long-term growth. (Diplomatic Courier)

Member of European Parliament Calls for Energy Liberalization in TTIP

Member of European Parliament Sorin Moisa writes in The Hill on the need for fewer oil and gas export restrictions and greater energy integration between the United States and the European Union to protect Central and Eastern European member states that are currently dependent on Russian gas supplies. He further argues that this would be strategically wise for the United States and thinks that TTIP itself is inconceivable without full liberalization of energy trade. (The Hill)

Good to know: The European Union and other OECD members recently completed an agreement in advance of the COP21 summit in Paris that will limit the export and spread of coal-fired power plant technologies and commits the signatories to encourage investment and use of more advanced technology for renewable energy. 

The Irish Case for TTIP

Ian Talbot of Eurochambres makes the case for TTIP’s benefit to Ireland. He notes broad Irish public support for an agreement with the United States, as well as the large amount of US foreign direct investment in Ireland and the importance of smaller businesses in Ireland, both of which would get a significant boost from TTIP. (EurActiv

TTIP Would Benefit SMEs in Sweden

A paper from the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise provides examples of how small businesses would benefit from a TTIP agreement. It points out the barriers to export many small businesses often face and how TTIP would likely lower them. The paper also presents several case studies of small businesses that would like to expand or do more business in the United States but face barriers because of tariffs or differing standards that TTIP would address. (The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise)

Openness and Competitiveness Needed to Foster Growth

Writing for the Brookings Institution Future Development blog Selina Jackson, the Special Representative to the United Nations and World Trade Organization from the World Bank, argues that openness to trade is critical to economic growth and development, but not sufficient on its own. Additionally, with the increasing competition in the global economy, countries must promote competitiveness to take full advantage of economic openness. (The Brookings Institution)

TPP News & Analysis

President Obama Discusses TPP and More at ASEAN Business and Investment Summit 

In his remarks at the ASEAN Business and Investment Summit, President Obama discussed the importance of Southeast Asia to the United States and focused on the TPP’s role in strengthening the already-strong economic ties between the United States and TPP partner countries in Southeast Asia. The President emphasized that TPP was representative of long-term commitment and investment by the United States in Southeast Asia. (The White House)

Abe says TPP Vital for Sustainable Growth

Speaking after the East Asia Economic Summit, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe discussed the importance of the TPP for crafting trade rules for the 21st century and promoting transparency in the global economy. He also emphasized its importance for small and medium-sized enterprises and urged partner nations to ratify the deal as soon as possible. (New Straits Times)

Japanese Government Puts Forward Trade Adjustment Proposals to Help Farmers Adjust to TPP

The Japanese Government put forward a number of proposals last Friday meant to increase knowledge of international trade rules among farmers and other businesses and help farmers take advantage of new rules established in the TPP. In the past Japan has focused on costly tariffs and subsidies for farmers and other businesses that have ultimately not done much to support the agricultural sector. These new proposals are meant to set a new course and help farmers take full advantage of TPP’s benefits. (The Japan Times)

The Bigger Picture – Trade in Action

Commissioner Malmström and Minister Ulyukaev Prepare for December 1 Trilateral Talks 

Commissioner Malmström spoke with the Russian Minister for Economic Development in preparation for talks to be held December 1st in Brussels on the path to implementation of the EU-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement. (European Commission

EU Announces Easier Access for Services Exports from Least-Developed Countries

The EU notified the WTO last week that it would begin allowing easier access to service exports from Least-Developed Countries (LDCs). The notification is part of a commitment the EU and other countries made at the WTO ministerial meeting in Bali in 2013. (European Commission)

US and Chinese Delegations Conclude the 26th Session of the US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade

Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and USTR Michael Froman met with Chinese officials in Guangzhou to further negotiations through the Joint Commission. Progress was made in addressing intellectual property protections, pharmaceuticals, and trade and competition policy. (US Trade Representative)

Statement from the Second US- Bangladesh Trade and Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement (TICFA) Council Meeting

This past Monday representatives from the United States and Bangladesh held their second annual TICFA meeting. Officials discussed a variety of bilateral trade and investment issues. (US Trade Representative)

Upcoming Events

UK National Road Shows – June to December in the United Kingdom, hosted by the British American Business – More Information

TTIP. Facts. Assumptions. Arguments.- 25 November 2015 in Berlin, hosted by Handelsblatt and BDI- More Information (event page in German)

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – an Opportunity or a Threat? The Liberal viewpoint- 27 November, 2015 in Helsinki, Finland, hosted by the European Liberal Forum- More Information

Impact of the TTIP on International Cooperation; Conclusions for New EU Member States – November 30, 2015 in Warsaw, Poland, hosted by the Warsaw School of Economics- More Info to follow

TTIP Citizens Dialogue with Trade Commissioner Malmström – December 3 in Berlin, hosted by the Europa Union Germany More Information

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): Framing the Adequate System for Investor-State Dispute Settlement- 3-4 December in Luxembourg, hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Procedural Law- More Information