Voice of America quotes Africa Center Deputy Director Bronwyn Bruton on the upcoming US/Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington:

Africa analyst Bronwyn Bruton said she does not expect to hear a lot about human rights issues during the forthcoming US/Africa leaders’ summit in Washington. 

Bruton, deputy director of the Africa Center at the U.S.-based Atlantic Council, said she is concerned that the summit might disappoint many of the African leaders if each of them does not get a face-to-face meeting with President Barack Obama to talk specifically about what the United States can do for each country.  

She said Obama’s foreign policy speech to graduates of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point suggested he was proposing the “Africanization of US security policy.”
“When I heard his speech, what occurred to me is that he’s almost talking about the Africanization of security policy, because the kinds of strategies he’s talking about sound a whole lot like the strategies the Obama administration has been using in Africa for the last couple of years,” she said.

Read the full article here.

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