

Jul 25, 2024

The West should articulate the possibility of a European future for Belarus now

By Richard Cashman

Failure to articulate the possibility of a European future for Belarus leaves the Euro-Atlantic community at risk of being caught off guard without a plan when Belarus reaches its fork in the road, writes Richard Cashman.

Belarus Conflict

Inflection Points Today

Jul 25, 2024

Dispatch from Paris: The Olympics of hope begin on the River Seine

By Frederick Kempe

The Olympics never take place in a political vacuum, but this year’s begin amid the biggest threats to global order since the 1930s.

Democratic Transitions France


Jul 16, 2024

I was sentenced to ten years in absentia for highlighting Belarus’s descent into dictatorship

By Alesia Rudnik

My recent ten-year sentence in absentia is a sure sign that Belarusian dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka is increasingly insecure and dependent on the Kremlin, writes Alesia Rudnik.

Belarus Civil Society

In the News

Jul 16, 2024

Mezran in Institute for Global Studies: Abdelmajid Tebboune lifts reservations and announces his candidacy for the presidential election

By Atlantic Council

Democratic Transitions Elections

In the News

Jul 14, 2024

Charai in National Interest: The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump and the Threat to Democracy

By Atlantic Council

Civil Society Democratic Transitions


Jun 25, 2024

Historic day for Ukraine as EU launches official membership talks

By Peter Dickinson

Ukraine began official membership talks with the EU on June 25, providing the embattled East European nation with a powerful morale boost as it continues to fight for survival against Russia’s ongoing invasion, writes Peter Dickinson.

Conflict Democratic Transitions


Jun 25, 2024

The path to prosperity: The 2024 Freedom and Prosperity Indexes

By Ignacio Campomanes, Nina Dannaoui, Joseph Lemoine, Dan Negrea

In this “year of election,” freedom continues to decline globally. Political rights, judicial independence, and checks and balances are eroding. Prosperity growth has slowed, particularly in developing countries. The data underscores a strong link between freedom and prosperity, highlighting the need for data-driven policy reforms.

Democratic Transitions Freedom and Prosperity


Jun 24, 2024

Kyiv Pride event highlights changing attitudes in wartime Ukraine

By Aleksander Cwalina

Ukraine’s LGBTQI+ community is playing an important role in Ukraine’s ongoing European integration and defense against the Kremlin’s anti-Western crusade, writes Aleksander Cwalina.

Civil Society Conflict


Jun 24, 2024

The Syrian electoral system guarantees inequality

By Vladimir Pran and Maroun Sfeir

The framework of the block vote is so advantageous to the Baath Party that opposition parties would not stand a chance to win a significant number of seats.

Democratic Transitions Elections


Jun 21, 2024

Don’t be fooled by the ‘reformist.’ Iran’s presidential election won’t bring fundamental change.

By Holly Dagres

The only way out of this conundrum is if Iranians take their destiny into their own hands.

Civil Society Democratic Transitions

