The Honorable Roy Blunt
US Senator (R-MO)

The Honorable Benjamin Cardin
US Senator (D-MD)


Scarlett Alvarez
Vice President and Global Chief Stakeholder and Sustainability Officer
The AES Corporation

Cynthia Arnson
Director, Latin America Program
Woodrow Wilson Center

Ambassador Bernard Aronson
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Former US Special Envoy for the Colombian Peace Process
US Department of State

Ambassador Carolina Barco
Former Ambassador of Colombia to the US; Senior Advisor
Inter-American Development Bank

The Honorable Rand Beers
Deputy Homeland Security Former Advisor to the President
US Department of Homeland Security

Stephen Donehoo
Retired Career Military Intelligence Officer; Managing Partner,
McLarty Associates

Daniel W. Fisk
Former Professional Staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; Former Special Assistant to President George W. Bush and Senior Director for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Chief Operations Officer
International Republican Institute

The Honorable Ruben Gallego
US Representative (D-AZ-7)

Ambassador Robert Gelbard
Former Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs; President
Gelbard International Consulting

Tomás González
Executive Director, Colombia,
International Monetary Fund

Mia Masten
Director, Advocacy and Professional Relations,

Thomas F. McLarty, III
Former White House Chief of Staff under President Clinton; Chairman and Co-founder
McLarty Associates

The Honorable Gregory Meeks
US Representative (D-NY-5)

Ambassador Roger Noriega
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Visiting Fellow,
American Enterprise Institute

The Honorable Devin Nunes
US Representative (R-CA-22)

Juan Esteban Orduz
President, Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc., North America subsidiary of Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia

Ángela Maria Zuluaga
Public Affairs and Communications Vice President
The CocaCola Company

Jaana Remes

McKinsey Global Institute

Catherine Robinson
Director, International Government Affairs

Michael Shifter
Inter-American Dialogue

Ambassador Arturo Valenzuela
Former Special Assistant to President Clinton for National Security Affairs; Former US Assistant Secretary of State (Western Hemisphere Affairs) under President Obama; Senior International Advisor
Covington & Burling LLP