Melissa Saphier is a 2022 Atlantic Council Millennium fellow and a senior member of Bridgewater’s investment team—and among the youngest people ever promoted into the critical client-facing role of associate portfolio strategist. She partners with the world’s most sophisticated institutional investors to address their biggest challenges, including protecting against inflation and deploying capital to achieve environmental, social, and governance goals. Since joining Bridgewater in 2012, Saphier has built world-class macroeconomic expertise, highlighting how economies and markets are intertwined with policy, social issues, and geopolitics. Her focus areas include how monetary and fiscal policy work and affect different income cohorts, globalization’s effects, and the importance of geographic diversification. She is a frequent author and former managing editor of Bridgewater’s Daily Observations, a research note read by the world’s top economic policymakers and investors. An active member of Bridgewater’s Women’s Influence Network, Saphier has held numerous mentorship roles. She is also active in the Council on Foreign Relations. She graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth with a degree in government and economic policy.