In the World Bank Doing Business ranking, Egypt climbed one spot from last year’s ranking. The main reason for the advancement is Egypt’s reforms aimed at protecting minority investors. In that category Egypt jumped eighteen places. While the country also gained two spots for ease of trading across borders, it dropped six spots in the ranking for “starting a business” and eight spots in “paying taxes”.
[Ahram Online]
World Bank ranks Algeria among countries having embarked on reform process
In the new World Bank Doing Business report Algeria ranked among the eleven countries of the North Africa and Middle East region having embarked on a reform process to improve their business climate. According ot the report both Algeria and Jordan improved their port facilities through reduction of time spent in the terminals. [
World Bank lauds Morocco’s trading across borders progress
The World Bank praised Morocco in its Doing Business report. The country made significant progress in the area of cross-border trading by reducing the number of documents required in the process. The report also said that Morocco carried out nineteen reforms in the past year. [
Marocco World News]
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