Catch up on the latest out of Egypt every week, with analysis, news updates, photos, videos, and more.
Quotes of the Week
“Despite all, our determination is solid, our belief is strong, our trust in Allah is absolute & our love for our country is unconditional.” Gehad El-Haddad
Celebration or Protestation? Morsi’s First Year
President Mohamed Morsi, nearing his one-year-anniversary, addressed the nation in what almost became a three hour speech, to highlight his successes and discuss the challenges now facing the country. However, as the nation has continued to split down ideological divide over the last year, the president failed to bridge that gap.
In an analysis on the speech, Mai El-Sadany, writes that “In observing the tone of Morsi’s speech, we find a unique mix of petty behavior, paternalistic threats, and complete disregard for truth or reality.”
Sadly, despite another call for constitutional amendments and national dialogue, and some attempt to highlight his successes throughout the year, it became clear that June 30, the official one-year anniversary, would truly be a day and night to remember.
“As Egypt nears the potential brink of civil war in the eyes of some, with a reenergized populace that may be unwilling to accept the status quo, a Brotherhood that will fight to the death to promote their Islamic project, and a collection of defunct political leaders and irresponsible religious and spiritual figures, Morsi’s speech is a stark reminder that his sole allegiance is to the fraternity that brought about his rise and that he will never be the “President of all Egyptians,” let alone the President of Egypt itself.”
Osman El Sharnoubi put together an excellent timeline of events, highlighting the major political and social events of the last year: Part 1 and Part 2
Egypt in the News
- Army ready to save nation from ‘Dark Tunnel,’ defense minister
- Four Egyptian Shias killed by mob in Cairo
- Governor of Egypt’s Luxor resigns
- Egyptian government faces blame in mob sectarian killing
- Court upholds November’s Constitutional Declaration
- Clashes continue in governorates
- Petroleum ministry denies fuel shortage; Presidency issues report on fuel crisis
- Egypt’s military redeploys across country days ahead of mass anti-Morsi protests
- Egypt state media outlets blast Muslim Brotherhood ‘interference’
- Morsi addresses people one year after taking power
- Morsi’s opponents pick holes in late-night speech
- Rights groups say Egypt’s Brotherhood incites sectarian hatred
- Egypt protests could heap pressure on beleaguered currency
- Battle intensifies between Egyptian state and broadcasters
- Thousands rally against Morsi across Egypt
The Scourge of Sectarianism in Egypt | H. A. Hellyer, Foreign Policy
What began as a night of innocence, a Shia celebration focused on prayer and meditation turned into a deadly night of sectarian violence. H. A. Hellyer, writes of the uniqueness of this night, as not a side effect of sectarianism but a consequence of a direct call to violence.
"Sunday night was not an example of a latent sectarianism, or even an aggravation. It was the direct result of a sectarian discourse, perpetrated for solely sectarian reasons — a drumming up of hatred and bigotry, aiming at exacting blood."
“No one should have had to wait for this tragedy to take critical steps — the signs were there before — and no one should have to wait for yet another one to take them now. Egypt’s social fabric can withstand these challenges, and overcome them — but only if the challenges are taken seriously. Now.”
Is a Second Revolution Really What Egypt Needs? | Shadi Hamid, The Atlantic
Shadi Hamid, asks the question that many have been discussing, does Egypt really need another revolution? By highlighting the limitations of the constitution to impeach the president, he advocates for the position that revolting may not be the best option, rather reengaging Egyptians in the political process and pushing for major concessions from the Muslim Brotherhood.
“There is no legal or constitutional mechanism through which Morsi, who was elected with 51.7 percent of the vote just a year ago, can be ousted. Realistically, there is only one way he falls – if mass violence and a total collapse of public order provoke the military to step in. In this sense, for Tamarod to "succeed," Egypt must fail.”
“The key, then, is finding a way to bring disaffected Egyptians back into the political process — a process from which they believe, with good reason, they have been excluded. This will require major concessions on Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood’s part, including guaranteeing a fair electoral law with robust international monitoring, revising the most controversial articles of the constitution, and the formation of a caretaker national unity government until parliamentary elections are held later this year.”
Gamal al-Shaer, state tv anchor, resigns on air in protest of Muslim Brotherhood interference with their program. He said that their attempts by the Information Minister Salah Abdel Maqsoud to control the guests and subjects of the program.
This Day in History
One year ago on June 28,2012, Mohamed Morsi narrowly won the presidential elections over Ahmed Shafiq, an ex-regime figure during Mubarak’s presidency.
“The declaration of Mohamed Morsi as Egypt’s first freely elected president marks a major milestone for a country that until February 2011 had spent nearly three decades under the authoritarian rule of Hosni Mubarak. At the same time, for significant numbers of Egyptians, Morsi’s relatively narrow victory over former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq has the potential to raise questions about Islam’s role in society.” Pew Research
Translation: June 30
Cartoon: Youm7
Translation: The Road to June 30 (from right to left)
Liberal Opposition: Thug with molotov cocktail
Media: Worker washing wall
Judiciary: Hey you, slow down…we can’t clean up behind you fast enough.
Cartoon: Samistudio
Photo of the Week
Photo by Alfred Assil Anis: McDonalds being delivered to cars waiting in gas station lines.
Photo: Egyptian Presidency