Eleven US based organizations and individuals wrote a letter to US President Barack Obama on Friday urging him to “engage preventively and use all available means to make clear to President al-Sisi that there will be serious consequences if there is a further crackdown on NGOs.”


Presidential advisor appointments met with mixed reactions from political parties
President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi’s decision to appoint two ministers who served under deposed presidents Hosni Mubarak and Mohamed Morsi as his security aides has garnered mixed reactions from Egypt’s political groups. The Popular Socialist Alliance Party welcomed Sisi’s decision, stating that the president’s decision is indicative of the priority given to national security and the fight against terrorism. He added the party will wait to see the performances of the newly appointed aides before passing judgment on the president’s choice. The Free Egyptians Party said that the president bears full responsibility regarding his choice of advisors. The Egyptian Social Democratic Party believes that Sisi’s move will not create significant changes in Egypt’s political situation, pointing out that the country needs more progressive political reforms. It raised concerns over the appointment of Mubarak-era officials as the regime has failed to enable citizens to achieve their aspirations. It also raised concerns regarding Fayza Abul Naga’s capacity in dealing with security issues as a former international cooperation aide. [Ahram Gateway (Arabic), 11/6/2014]

Penalties for faculty committing, inciting or abetting violence added to Egypt university law
A decision by Egypt’s cabinet amended an article in its university law to hand down punishments for faculty members who “incite violence” inside campuses. The new penalty dismisses any faculty member who “participates or incites or abets acts of violence inside universities or any of the facilities belonging to them, or smuggling weapons of any kind inside universities, or explosives, or fireworks or flammable materials or other devices or materials which endanger or harm persons or facilities or property.” The amendment has not yet been ratified by President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi.  [Ahram Online, 11/6/2014]

Also of Interest
Anan’s brother says political party to be officially established ahead of parliamentary elections | Egypt Independent
Nour Party denies contacts with Wafd, ‘MB dissidents’ over elections | Egypt Independent, Ahram Gateway (Arabic), EGYNews (Arabic)
PM: Government keen on holding transparent parliamentary polls | SIS
Tagammu Party warns against participation of religious parties in parliamentary elections | Shorouk (Arabic)
I take responsibility for bus crash but won’t resign, says education minister | Ahram Online


Eleven Brotherhood members released on bail pending retrial in Tanta
A Cairo appeal court on Friday released eleven defendants accused of membership in the now-banned Muslim Brotherhood on bail of 30,000 Egyptian pounds pending retrial. The defendants were arrested in Tanta, a city located in northern Cairo, in August 2013, soon after the violent dispersal in Cairo of two large camps of protesters calling for the return of ousted president and leading Brotherhood figure Mohamed Morsi. The eleven defendants are accused of belonging to a terrorist group, inciting violence and riots. [Ahram Online, 11/7/2014]

Also of Interest
Truck driver in school bus crash tested positive for drugs: Prosecution | Ahram Online


Sisi to meet with largest US business delegation since 2011 revolution
Egypt will host on Sunday the largest delegation of American business owners and officials to visit the country for three years, including representatives of sixty-six large companies. Participants will include General Electric International Inc., Microsoft and IBM in the ICT sector, First Solar International, Noble Energy, and ExxonMobil in the energy sector as well as drug maker Pfizer along with other major corporations operating in additional sectors. The delegation is the largest to visit the country since the 2011 revolution.  The visit will last three days during which time the delegation will meet Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab, as well as other ministers and Egyptian businessmen. [Ahram Online, 11/7/2014]

Also of Interest
Investment Minister promises reform by 2015; calls for ‘fight’ against tax hikes | Ahram Online
OCI to spin off construction business and list in Egypt, UAE | Reuters


One killed, two injured in clashes between protesters and security forces in Ain Shams
A security source said that one person was killed and two injured in clashes between security forces and pro-Morsi protesters in Ain Shams on Friday. The pro-Morsi National Alliance to Support Legitimacy had called for weeklong protests to begin on Friday, under the banner of ‘Resist Injustice,’ in support of Sinai residents, student protesters, and prisoners. According to Major General Ali Demerdash, hundreds of Brotherhood protesters clashed with residents and security forces, after which police were able to contain the situation. [Aswat Masriya (Arabic), Shorouk (Arabic), 11/7/2014]

Also of Interest
Azhar student released after weeks of disappearance | DNE
PM Mahlab urges Egyptians to limit reproduction rates | Ahram Online


Unidentified gunmen shoot four civilians in North Sinai
Unknown gunmen killed Thursday four civilians in North Sinai’s al-Arish city, security sources said. The four bodies were found on the ring road south of al-Arish city near al-Sabeel village. They were all shot in the head in a recurrence of similar recent shootings in North Sinai. Security forces are carrying out their investigations to identify the perpetrators. [Ahram Online, Aswat Masriya, 11/6/2014]

Also of Interest
Egypt crackdown angers people in Sinai border town | AP
Five “extremists” killed and three injured in North Sinai | Aswat Masriya, SIS
Security forces arrest two in Aswan for inciting violence | EGYNews (Arabic)
Alexandria security arrests armed group accused of targeting police | EGYNews (Arabic)


US rights organizations urge Obama to take stand against Egypt’s NGO law
Eleven US based organizations and individuals wrote a letter to US President Barack Obama on Friday urging him to “engage preventively and use all available means to make clear to President al-Sisi that there will be serious consequences if there is a further crackdown on NGOs.” Their requests come in light of the upcoming 10 November deadline for NGOs to register under the controversial, and “highly restrictive” 2002 NGO Law on Associations. The signatories also requested the US president to “make clear the consequences of enforcing such a restrictive law are a central concern for the US-Egypt bilateral partnership.”  The letter was signed by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, International Center for Journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists, Freedom House, Foreign Policy Initiative, Human Rights First, and the Project on Middle East Democracy. [DNE, 11/7/2014]

Also of Interest
Egypt asks UN to open probe Muslim Brotherhood document-forging case | SIS
‘Situation in Libya affects neighbouring states, including Egypt, says Libyan ambassador in Cairo | Ahram Online
Egypt, Cyprus, Greece to hold summit in Cairo | Ahram Online, Aswat Masriya, EGYNews (Arabic)
Egypt’s ambassador to UNESCO discusses prospects for water cooperation with UNESCO | EGYNews (Arabic)
Ethiopian minister upbeat about dam talks with Egypt | Al Monitor
Egypt Geneva delegation studies UPR recommendations, pledges to abide by them | Aswat Masriya (Arabic)
Indian military delegation arrives in Egypt to discuss cooperation | EGYNews (Arabic)
Kerry and Shoukry discuss containment of situation in Jerusalem | Ahram Gateway (Arabic)