YemenSource | Ceasefire Agreement Reached in Northern Amran

Following the death of an estimated 120 people, Amran deputy governor, Ahmed al-Bekry confirmed that a ceasefire agreement had been reached with the Houthi rebels. The fighting ended after both sides agreed to a ceasefire. No clashes were reported the following day.  


The Challenge of Federalism in Yemen by Rafat Al-Akhali
In his new Atlantic Council Issue Brief, The Challenge of Federalism in Yemen, Al-Akhali maps key considerations as Yemen embarks on the next stage in its political evolution—the transition from a unitary to federal state system, as outlined by the final agreement from the multi-stakeholder National Dialogue Conference. He notes that a successful transition to a federal system should include a more consultative constitution-drafting process to get public support for regional and state level government institutions. At the same time, he stresses that the government must balance its efforts to strengthen national identity by also providing enough space for regional identities. [The Challenge of Federalism in Yemen, 5/28/2014]

Tribes and AQAP in South Yemen by Nadwa al-Dawsari
Al-Dawsari explains how one may attribute the military’s success against militants to negotiated agreements between local tribes and al-Qaeda in the Arab Peninsula (AQAP), rather than the military offensive per se. She also stresses that Yemen cannot defeat AQAP through military action alone. Without substantial political reforms, counterterror operations will only raise tensions, aggravate conflicts, and deepen distrust in the government and the transitional process. [MENASource, 6/5/2014]


Arrangements underway to implement changes in government
A government adviser stated that in accordance with negotiations during the National Dialogue, arrangements are underway to implement a cabinet reshuffle. He went on to say that parliament does not have the right to legislate since its legitimacy was suspended by the GCC agreement. [Mareb Press (Arabic), 6/4/2014]

Sana’a to host regional conference on transitional justice
The Ministry of Legal Affairs is organizing a regional conference on Transitional Justice in Sana’a this weekend, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program. The purpose of the conference is to support the implementation of transitional justice. The conference will host a number of prominent scholars from the region. The two-day conference will discuss the outcomes of the National Dialogue, the challenges facing transitional justice, the role of civil society organizations, and democratization and the rule of law. [Saba (Arabic), 6/6/2014]

House of representatives approves constitutional amendment
The Yemeni House of Representatives passed an amendment to the constitution increasing the number of the Shura Council from 111 to 221 members. The amendment goes into effect two months after the date of approval. [Saba (Arabic), 6/4/2014]


Ceasefire agreement reached in northern Amran
Following the death of an estimated 120 people, Amran deputy governor, Ahmed al-Bekry confirmed that a ceasefire agreement had been reached with the Houthi rebels. The fighting ended after both sides agreed to a ceasefire. No clashes were reported the following day. Bekry noted that Yemeni air force action on Monday, which killed one-hundred Houthis, was one of the main reasons for the Houthis’ assent to a truce. He confirmed that about twenty government soldiers were also killed. Residents are not optimistic about the new truce. [Yemen Post, 6/3/2014] The Yemeni Ministry of Defense confirmed that the agreement for the immediate cease-fire in the city of Amran was carried out. The Ministry noted that the deployment of observers in Amran was successful. [Al Masdar (Arabic), 6/5/2014]

Al-Qaeda hits army post; over 500 AQAP fighters killed since April
Fourteen people were killed when suspected al-Qaeda militants opened fire at a military checkpoint in Yemen’s southern Shabwa province. Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Saeed al-Faqeeh said That troops have killed 500 al-Qaeda militants and captured another thirty-seven in fighting since late April in the provinces of Shabwa and Abyan, both considered al-Qaeda strongholds. [Associated Press, Reuters, Al Masdar (Arabic), 6/5/2014]

Al-Qaeda attacks security checkpoint in Hadramawt
Security sources in the south-eastern province of Hadramawt confirmed that suspected al-Qaeda militants attacked a military outpost near al-Qatn, killing one soldier. When it became evident that the militants would not successfully seize control of the outposts, all militants fled the area. Flash attacks have increased in frequency since April 20, when President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi authorized the first air strike against al-Qaeda positions in the southern provinces of Abyan and Shabwa. [Yemen Post, 6/8/2014]

Security forces break into news headquarters and assault journalists
On Saturday evening, security forces stormed the headquarters of government-run newspaper October 14 in the city of Aden and attacked journalists. The newspaper’s journalists had gone on strike demanding the resignation of Chairman Mohammed Ali Saad after he was convicted of corruption. [Al Masdar (Arabic), 6/7/2014]


GCC reaffirms support for President Hadi
Foreign ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council reaffirmed their countries’ support for President Abdrabbo Mansour Hadi to implement the results of the National Dialogue Conference and the drafting of a new constitution. A statement issued at the end of the 131st Gulf Cooperation Council Ministerial meeting in Riyadh approved the appointment of a representative of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s secretary general in Yemen. [Saba, 6/3/2014]


Friends of Yemen meet in Sana’a
The economic working group emanating from the seventh meeting of the Friends of Yemen group held its first meeting in Sana’a. Participants met at the headquarters of the Executive Bureau for Accelerating the Absorption of Donor Pledges. The group reaffirmed that the international community would play an important role in supporting Yemen’s transition and the implementation of the National Dialogue Conference’s outcomes. The group is expected to hold its second meeting by the end of June to approve its plan of action that will include priorities for economic reforms. [Saba, 6/2/2014]

Sixty-two African migrants and crew drown in boat tragedy off Yemen
The United Nations reported that sixty migrants from Somalia and Ethiopia and two Yemeni crew members drowned last weekend in the worst such tragedy off the coast of Yemen this year. “The tragedy is the largest single loss of life of migrants and refugees attempting to reach Yemen via the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden this year,” Adrian Edwards, spokesman for the United Nations refugee agency, told reporters in Geneva. [AFP, 6/6/2014]

Local newspapers go on strike
A strike by local newspapers prevented a number of local newspapers from publishing. Staff members demanded their salaries, which have not been paid for months. [Al Masdar (Arabic), 6/5/2014]