A Casualty of Reset Relations

U.S. President Barack Obama welcomes Georgia

From Owen Matthews, Newsweek:  Washington’s reset with Moscow has one very clear casualty: Georgia. The U.S. insists that it still supports Georgia’s territorial integrity. But Washington also says that Russia’s ongoing occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia “need no longer be considered an obstacle” to ratifying an agreement on joint civilian nuclear cooperation originally mooted after Russia’s 2008 invasion. …

NATO, too, is warming to Moscow and cooling toward Tbilisi. A NATO–-Georgia Commission set up in September 2008 hasn’t set any concrete membership targets for Georgia to meet. That’s a clear signal the alliance is in no hurry to talk about Georgian accession. …

All in all, that leaves Tbilisi pretty isolated. But old friends who once saw Georgia as a strategic bridgehead now see it as more of a liability—in the process sending a signal to Moscow that the West prefers to strike diplomatic deals rather than get tangled in conflicts in Russia’s backyard. (photo: Reuters)

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