China concerned about Russia/NATO row over missile defense

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, December 8, 2011

From Xinhua:  China said on Friday that it hopes NATO and Russia will continue their consultations on a missile defense system in order to maintain global strategic stability.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei made the remarks at a daily news briefing in response to a question regarding China’s attitude toward differences between NATO and Russia on the U.S.-led European missile defense shield. . . .

"Anti-missile issues concern global strategic stability and mutual trust between big powers in the strategic security field," said Hong.

China has noticed that Russia recently expressed strong concerns over the U.S.-led European missile defense system as well as its willingness to continue dialogues with the U.S. and NATO, said Hong.

"We hope the parties concerned will continue their negotiation on the anti-missile issue, fully respect and accommodate each other’s security concerns, and handle the issue in a mutually beneficial and win-win manner, so as to safeguard global strategic stability," he said.  (photo: AP)  (via: @missiledefadv)

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