From Zaman: Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has defended Turkey’s decision to support NATO plans to build a missile defense system, saying it will also contribute to national defense against the growing threat of ballistic missile proliferation.
Davutoğlu, responding to the question from Süleyman Yağız of the Democratic Left Party (DSP), said NATO’s plans to develop its ability to counter threats from ballistic missiles were not new, dating back to the late 1990s. Proliferation of ballistic missiles is one of the most serious threats facing NATO in the next 10-15 years, said Davutoğlu, noting that the purpose of establishing a NATO-wide missile defense system was to eliminate risks and threats emanating from the proliferation of ballistic missiles.
“This system serves our policy against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. We have already been working on plans to take measures on a national scale against the missile threat and develop a national missile defense system,” Davutoğlu said in his response on Friday. (photo: Zaman)
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