From John Reed, Killer Apps: Despite a climate of what defense officials love to describe as "fiscal uncertainty," the Pentagon’s 2014 budget request includes $4.7 billion for increased "cyberspace operations," including dozens of cyber attack teams , the Defense Department announced today. To give you some sense of just how much cyber has increased in importance over the last year, the DOD’s 2013 budget overview mentions "cyber" 47 times while the 2014 overview mentions it 153 times. Last year’s budget provided $3.9 billion for cyber according to DOD Comptroller Robert Hale. This money will be used to "increase defensive capabilities and develop the cyber Joint Force," according to the budget proposal.
What’s that mean in English? The billions will support the Pentagon’s previously announced plan to field dozens of cyber-combat teams that will protect the country from devastating cyber attack.
Thirteen of these teams — called "defend the nation" teams — are geared toward offensive operations aimed at deterring cyber attacks. Twenty-seven teams will support battlefield commanders around the globe by giving them cyber attack capabilities. The remainder will focus on defending DOD’s networks from cyber attack. (photo: USAF)
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