How much is the entire British defense industry worth?  $35 billion

British Challenger tank

From Defence Viewpoints:  Defence worth £22.1bn in 2010, employed 110,000 with £9.5bn in exports says Ian Godden, Chairman of the defence industry trade group ADS. . . .

A survey  carried out by ADS found:

• Defence employs around 110,000 people directly, generating over £22bn in sales in 2010 with the sector supporting a total of 314,000 jobs while being responsible for £35bn in total economic contributions according to Oxford Economics research.

• Domestic sales were worth 57 per cent of the £22.1bn total (£12.6bn). Export sales totalled £9.5bn with aerospace making up 75 per cent (or £7.1bn), land 17 per cent (or £1.6bn) and naval 8 per cent (or £760m). Sales to the US totalled £2.3bn, to the EU £2.5bn and to the rest of the world £4.6bn.

• Orders in 2010 were for £18.6bn, £12.6bn domestic orders and £6bn export orders increasing the UK’s share of the global defence export market to 22 per cent in 2010.  (photo: Daily Mail)

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