From Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO: We have just had an informal meeting between the North Atlantic Council, contributing partners in operation Unified Protector, and members of the Libyan Transitional National Council, to discuss the way forward in Libya.
NATO Allies and partners briefed on the progress of our military mission to protect civilians. The members of the Transitional National Council thanked us for the mission’s indispensable humanitarian role. And they briefed us on their vision of their country’s future – one based on democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights.
They have a great reponsibility for the smooth transition to a democratic and inclusive future in Libya.
We agreed on three things.
First, that NATO’s operations to protect civilians must continue. Qadhafi’s forces are still threatening innocent people. And as long as that threat continues, we must continue to deal with it.
Second, that the Qadhafi regime has lost all legitimacy.
Third, that there has to be a political solution. Led by Libyans. Supported by the international community. And fulfilling the legitimate demands of the Libyan people – as the United Nations Security Council demanded.
The time to find a solution is now.
For the people of Libya – who have the right to live without violence and fear; the right to plan their own future; and whose legitimate aspirations must be met. (photo: NATO)
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