Majority of American Voters Support Reagan’s Principles on Use of Military Force

Voters today still embrace the more restrained use of force that Reagan advocated

From Rasmussen Reports:  Seventy-five percent (75%) of voters nationwide agree that “The United States should not commit its forces to military action overseas unless the cause is vital to our national interest. ” A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that only 12% of voters disagree while 13% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

That was the first point in “a set of principles to guide America in the application of military force” that [President Ronald] Reagan recommended to future presidents in his autobiography.

By an even larger 79% to 9% margin, voters believe that when the president sends troops into military action there should always be a clear intent to win with clearly defined and realistic objectives. That was Reagan’s second guiding point, designed to avoid a “halfway or tentative commitment. . . .”

Reagan also thought the president should have a “reasonable assurance that the cause we are fighting for and the actions we take will have the support of the American people and Congress.” Voters support this concept by a smaller 56% to 29% margin.  (photo: Business Insider)

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