Montenegrins Divided on NATO Membership: Survey

Prime minister of Montenegro Igor Luksic and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, March 21, 2012Forty per cent of Montenegrins want the country to join NATO while 39 per cent are against membership of the Western military alliance, a survey has suggested. If a referendum was held immediately on whether Montenegrins want their country to join NATO, the outcome would be uncertain, suggested a survey conducted last month by Ipsos Strategic Marketing.

The survey, which sampled the views of 1,029 people, suggested that 11 per cent remain undecided on the issue. . . .

Montenegro was granted a ‘membership action plan’ by NATO in 2009, moving the country a step closer to joining the alliance. . . .

The country hopes to become a member at NATO’s next summit in 2014.

Image: Prime minister of Montenegro Igor Luksic and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, March 21, 2012. (photo: NATO)