NATO chief in Afghanistan seeks more AWACS planes

An E-3A AWACS aircraft from the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (NAEW&C Force).

From Reuters:  The top commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan has requested more AWACS reconnaissance aircraft, an alliance official said Saturday, although a likely demand for Germany to contribute will meet strong political opposition.

NATO headquarters in Brussels said it was looking into the request from General David Petraeus, commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan. "A letter was sent and it’s being evaluated as to whether it can be filled," an official said, declining to be named.

"I know it’s been an item of interest for some time," the official said. "We do have AWACS in Afghanistan but we are looking for additional capability. …"

German news weekly Der Spiegel reported that increased AWACS capability would require Berlin to send about 100 additional troops to Afghanistan.  (photo: NATO)

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