From Novinite: A NATO center for studying, creating, and perfecting the capacities of the Alliance in crisis management and disaster relief is to be set up in the Bulgarian capital Sofia, Bulgarian Deputy Defense Minister Avgustina Tzvetkova announced Tuesday.
NATO’s Sofia crisis management center will first be based in the Shipka hotel, which is owned by the Bulgarian Defense Ministry, but will later be housed in a building of its own, she added, as cited by Mediapool. . . .
The NATO Crisis Management Center in Sofia will employ about 50 experts; 27 of those will be from the Bulgarian Defense Ministry, while 10 will be international experts from other NATO members, she explained. . . .
The decision to create a NATO crisis management center in Bulgaria was made by the Bulgarian Cabinet in November 2012 as Bulgaria’s contribition to joint NATO capabilities for crisis management. (photo: BGNES)