NATO Emphasises Defence Spending Despite Crisis

Meeting of the North Atlantic Council with the Group of Experts

From Reuters: NATO states must reverse a steep decline in defence spending despite economic constraints if the alliance is to meet the security threats it faces, experts said on Monday.

In a recommendation for NATO’s new 10-year strategic vision, experts led by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said only six of NATO’s 26 European members were meeting their defence spending target of two percent of GDP.

In the coming decade, NATO would not only have to meet its main goal of collective defence of its 28 members, but deploy forces further afield and guard against unconventional threats such as terrorism and cyber attack, the experts said.

"If NATO is to fulfil these … missions successfully, it must halt the precipitous decline in national defence spending, implement new reforms and efficiencies, and set priorities for future capabilities," the experts said.  (photo: NATO)

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