From Mission of Sweden to NATO: Sweden received a report in which NATO assesses Sweden’s armed forces and their capabilities.
The report was handed to Sweden’s ambassador to NATO, Veronika Wand-Danielsson, by the head of NATO’s Defence Planning Division, Assistant Secretary-General Hüseyin Diriöz. The report, called PARP Asssessment 2013 Sweden, has been prepared by NATO’s International Staff within the framework of the Partnership for Peace Planning and Review Process (PARP). The report expresses appreciation for Sweden’s ongoing defence reform and it’s aims of building more ready and deployable forces, for use at home and abroad. The report assesses the capabilities of Sweden’s armed forces and emergency services, both for self-defence and in international operations, their interoperability with Nato, and progress made on agreed partnership goals. Overall, the report gives both the reform and Sweden’s defences high marks, judging them – once the reform is completed – to have the ability to deter, and if necessary to defend against, all but the most determined and persistent attacks. (photo: Johan Tegel/Regeringskansliet) (via Carl Bildt)
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