NATO Open to Closer Ties with Moldova (Video)

"We stand ready to do more"

From NATO:  NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told Moldova’s Prime Minister that the Alliance stood ready to develop closer ties during talks at NATO headquarters on Friday (14 June 2013). “We agree that we should make the most of the Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Moldova and develop it further,” the Secretary General said.

The Alliance is grateful for Moldova’s offer to contribute to the Kosovo mission, Mr. Fogh Rasmussen said, adding that NATO looks forward to cooperation in other areas as well. Issues of common interest, including how NATO can assist Moldova to reform its security sector were discussed during the talks between the Secretary General and Prime Minister Iurie Leanca. “We are already working together on defence education and on building integrity and we stand ready to do more,” Mr. Fogh Rasmussen said.

The Secretary General welcomed Moldova’s efforts to move closer to the European Union and NATO and he urged the prime minister to take forward ambitious reforms “to guarantee a better future for your people.” The Alliance will continue to support Moldova’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity the Secretary General said. He also said that while NATO is not involved, it closely follows developments related to the Transnistria settlement process.   (photo: NATO)

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