From Deutsche Welle: [A] newspaper report in Germany says that NATO is considering a policy of making an online attack on one member an attack on the alliance as a whole.
The German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported that NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen was pushing for the measure to be adopted at an alliance summit in Lisbon in November.
The newspaper claimed that NATO envisages meeting cyber crime with "common defense and deterrence measures."
From the H Security: According to a newspaper report, NATO General Secretary Anders Fogh Rasmussen wants to extend the definition of attacks which trigger activation of the alliance to include cyber attacks. This, according to a (German language) report in German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, is one of the proposals in Rasmussen’s draft of the alliance’s new strategic concept, due to be agreed at November’s NATO summit in Lisbon. In future, under this proposal, NATO members would come together to defend against attacks in the virtual world as well as conventional military attacks.
Earlier this week, Rasmussen circulated his paper to the governments of the 28 members states, who are keeping it strictly under wraps. However, the newspaper has received information on the contents of the document from a number of sources, which report that Rasmussen spends eleven pages defining NATO’s three core roles for the 21st century: collective defence in accordance with article 5 of the NATO treaty, promotion of global stability and crisis management. (graphic: US Infrastructure)
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