From Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO: I congratulate all parties for their constructive approach to finding a lasting solution in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. And I commend Baroness Ashton for helping them find a mutually beneficial outcome.
I am very happy for NATO to contribute to the conclusion of an historic agreement.
It has been a long process, but ultimately successful. It has sometimes been difficult, but all leaders concerned have risen above the difficulties. For its part, NATO will continue to ensure a safe and secure environment throughout Kosovo. As we have done in the past, NATO and in particular KFOR will stand ready to support the implementation of this latest agreement to the best of our ability within our current mandate.
I am confident that all people in the region and the whole international community will recognise what has been achieved here in Brussels. I am confident that this agreement means a big step forward for regional peace and security. And it will give new momentum to the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans, which is our shared vision.
Statement by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, April 19, 2013. (photo: NATO)
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