From Fast Company: Twitter gained a lot of credibility thanks to its use by Iranian protestors recently, and we already knew that it was useful for spreading breaking news. But did you know that NATO, the global military machine, Twitters too? Check out NATO’s main feed at Twitter here . . .
It gives NATO a platform to be a bit informal and not only use it as a one-to-many information transmitter, but also to receive feedback. Basically it looks like it’s given NATO a vehicle through which to disseminate it’s own take on events, and even enter into a gentle bit of public debate. For example–a June 20 re-Tweet links to a story questioning “Why we might lose in Afghanistan,” which is a question you might think NATO wouldn’t ask in so public a forum . . .
Yet given the nature of NATO, it’s a bit surprising that it would be Tweeting at all. And the most remarkable thing, apart from openness of the organization, is that a global leviathan like it could move fast enough to adopt such hot-topic technology in the first place.