NATO Units discover live mine during exercise BALTOPS 2010

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 in BALTOPS 2010

From NATO Maritime Command: During the latest exercise, BALTOPS 2010, currently taking place in the Gulf of Finland NATO units not only found and destroyed the dummy exercise mines but they also found a few live mines and other underwater explosive devices which had lain on the sea bed since World War 2.

As planned in the first phase of the operation, SNMCMG1 units prepared safe lines of communication for the exercise’s amphibious forces. Several dummy mines had been laid, however the first mine to be found was a live WW2 sea mine containing over 600 kgs of TNT.  The mine was destroyed by the German diver support ship, FGS Rottweil.
The NATO minehunters continued with the exercise to ensure a safe amphibious landing operation. The mine countermeasures vessels firstly protected the American dock landing ship, USS Gunston Hall followed by landing craft which delivered both personnel and military vehicles directly to the shore.  (photo: NATO)

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