Obama to Make Rare Visit to Pentagon for Rollout of New Strategy

President Barack Obama, November 30, 2010.

From Yoichi J. Dreazen, National Journal:  President Obama will pay an unusual visit to the Pentagon on Thursday for the public rollout of the military’s new strategy for countering emerging threats in an era of shrinking resources, according to senior military and administration officials.

Obama will speak to reporters at the start of a press conference with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president and his top military advisers will use the session to outline the results of a broad reevaluation of the security challenges facing the United States in the aftermath of the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. . . .

Obama is not likely to take questions, but will instead make opening remarks and then turn the podium over to Panetta and Dempsey for a broader discussion of the new strategic guidance. 

A senior U.S. official said Obama was "going to the Pentagon because he’s personally led the development of the new defense strategy" in consultation with Panetta, Dempsey, and other members of the Defense Department’s military and civilian leadership.  (photo: Getty)


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