Peter MacKay urges closer U.S.-Canada military ties and NATO reform

U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta with Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay at NATO HQ, February 2, 2012

From the Canadian Press:  The defence minister says there’s a greater need for stronger partnership between Canada and the U.S. in uncertain economic and political times.

But at the same time, NATO’s global partnership is in need of reform to function effectively in a complex security situation, Peter MacKay said in a set of speeches at Stanford University in California on Wednesday. . . .

In his speeches Wednesday, MacKay highlighted the close relationship Canada and the U.S. built during their work together in Kandahar as well as Canada’s contribution to the recent NATO-led military mission in Libya.

Groups like NATO are crucial in the global effort for stability, but they need updating, MacKay said.

More resources need to be placed into operational capability and less into administration, he said at Stanford’s Center for International Security and Co-operation.

“I believe that this is the only way to make sure that NATO stays agile and effective in a constantly evolving world and that it can continue delivering results for our common security and collective defence,” he said according to a text of his remarks.  (photo: AP)

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