From Matthew Day, Scotsman: Poland has accused Russia of causing “unnecessary alarm” in Europe after Russian aircraft carried out a mock attack on Sweden.
Radek Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, yesterday said he had been in touch with Nato’s secretary general over the training exercise which involved two Russian bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons and two fighter aircraft skirting Sweden’s territorial waters by 24 miles.
“It involved a neutral country but also a country that is our close partner in defence,” said Mr Sikorski. “These incidents cause unnecessary alarm in Europe. . . .”
The mock attack on Sweden, which occurred on Good Friday, 29 March, has become a source of embarrassment for the Swedish government after it emerged that there were no aircraft ready to intercept because of a holiday.
In the end, two Danish jets, stationed on Nato duty in Lithuania, were scrambled to monitor the Russian flight. (photo: Ferenc Isza/AFP/Getty) (via Edward Lucas)
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