From Reuters: Poland should seek closer security ties within Europe following U.S. President Barack Obama’s decision to scrap a Bush-era missile defense plan, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Monday . . .
“I hope this will prove a salutary shock, especially for the right end of Poland’s political spectrum,” Sikorski told TOK FM radio, adding it could lead some to rethink “the dream of basing everything on a bilateral alliance with the United States.”
“We are a European country and here, first and foremost, we must seek security guarantees,” he said, without elaborating . . .
France’s European minister, Pierre Lellouche, was quoted on Monday as saying Obama’s shield decision showed the need for more European cooperation on defense.
“President Obama’s decision should make us realize that both Poland and the whole of Europe should base our security not on one but on two security guarantees,” Lellouche told the Dziennik daily during a visit to Warsaw, referring to NATO and the EU. (graphic: AP)