From Polskie Radio: Lt General Mieczyslaw Bieniek is to be deputy commander at NATO headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, US – the highest position a Pole has attained within the Atlantic alliance.
Defence Minister Bogdan Klich, refused to confirm the position simply however, saying a decision will be made "soon."
The PAP news agency reports that initially, Gen. Mieczyslaw Cieniuch was to fill the post. However, after the death of General Francis Gągor in the Smolensk air disaster General Cieniuch became the new head of the General Staff.
The post of deputy commander at NATO’s Allied Command Transformation in Norfolk is a very prestigious position and Poland will share the post with rotation Italy, on a three year rotating basis. Four-star general positions in NATO positions are currently occupied by Americans, British, Germans, French and Italians. Poland will now be the sixth country to occupy a post at this level. (photo: Agencja Gazeta)
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