From NATO: As head of state I want to demonstrate that Lithuania is engaging actively into the future discussions of NATO’s place in the world, in global changing world. Why we are very, I will say, strongly participating in discussions for new Strategic Concept. Our engagement in Afghanistan stays firm and we are taking into account our (inaudible) engagement, one of the largest of the allies members in Afghanistan. We committed to stay until 2013. Here we’re fulfilling all our obligations in Afghanistan.
The new future relations with the fed countries is also very important for us, including NATO’s and Russia’s relations. Why Lithuania is following carefully what is happening, is open for cooperation. But we’re very, I will say, open for discussions and cooperation, but very based on realism and constructive dialogue and reciprocity from both sides. …
We will be committed for the finalization of the documents which will be adopted this year. For the NATO we think that 2010 will be the most important year; changing the NATO’s face, finding new place of NATO, and designing new relations with Russia and fed [sic] countries. (photo: NATO)
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