President of Lithuania: Unilateral Nuclear Cuts Would Be Irresponsible

Nuclear disarmament "cannot be unilateral"

From  The United States should not unilaterally reduce its arsenal of nuclear weapons or succumb to Russia during talks on the missile defense system in Europe, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė says.

"Disarmament, especially nuclear one, would be, no doubt, for the benefit of all countries, but it cannot be unilateral. The issue was discussed at the NATO Chicago Summit," Grybauskaitė told BNS on Thursday.

"Unilateral disarmament would be irresponsible and that would be a careless thing to do, especially bearing in mind Russia’s reaction to such proposals," the Lithuanian president said.

Grybauskaitė’s comments to BNS came after US President Barack Obama’s recent speech in Berlin where he said that the US could ensure its own security and that of its allies as well as maintain a credible deterrent "while reducing our deployed strategic nuclear weapons by up to one third", adding that he intended to seek negotiations with Russia on the issue.  (photo: Vakarų ekspresas)

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