Russia is willing to help Finland modernize its armed forces

From RIA Novosti:  Russia is ready to expand military contacts with Finland and to help the country modernize its armed forces, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Wednesday. . . .

“This is the first contact at the defense ministerial level. I hope we will expand contacts at the level of chiefs of staff and commanders of military districts,” Shoigu said at a joint news conference with [Finnish Defense Minister Carl] Haglund in Helsinki.

Shoigu said Russia could provide assistance to Finland in the modernization of its army. . . .

During the Soviet era, Finland bought much of its military equipment from the USSR, including MiG-21 fighters, Mi-8 helicopters and air-to-air missiles. After the break-up of the Soviet Union it switched to western suppliers.  (photo: ITAR-TASS)