From Joerg Wolf and Victoria Naselskaya, Less than half year after the groundbreaking NATO-Russia Council summit in Lisbon, the Atlantic Initiative, publisher of, engaged Russian experts in a dialogue on how to improve relations between Russia and NATO.
This report reflects the opinion of 103 Russian experts affiliated with the state’s largest universities, research and academic platforms, think tanks and various media outlets. Among the participants were renowned experts such as Russian political journalist Ms. Evgeniya M. Albats, Director of Levada Centre Dr. Gudkov, Professor Katsy of Saint Petersburg State University, Dr. Ryabikhin of the Committee of Scientists for Global Security and Arms Control, Prof. Sergeev of the Russian Academy of Science and Prof. Voronkov of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations. The NATO-sponsored survey consisted of four multiple-choice and three open questions and was available both in English and Russian. . . .
59 out of 103 respondents presume that it is in Russia’s interest to make an agreement on missile defense a precondition for progress on other NATO-Russia cooperation initiatives. It is noteworthy, however, that almost one-third of the experts believe the opposite. . . .
Please find a detailed analysis of the responses from 103 Russian experts working and living in Russia as well as their many policy proposals for increased NATO-Russia cooperation in the full report available for download as a PDF.
The report was written by Joerg Wolf and Victoria Naselskaya, editors of (photo: AP)
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