From DPA: A Turkish court Monday handed down arrest warrants for seven generals and seven lower-ranking officers on charges of campaigning against the government via the Internet.
The most prominent figure was General Nusret Tasdeler, the commander of Turkey’s Aegean Army who was appointed head of Education and Doctrine Command in last week’s annual promotions.
An Istanbul court ordered the arrest of Tasdeler and the others accused, 10 days after Turkey’s four top generals resigned in a dispute with the government over the detention of other high-ranking officers charged with plotting coups. . . .
In this case, which came to light last year, the accused allegedly set up some 40 websites aimed at undermining public confidence in the government, whose Islamic orientation runs contrary to the secular traditions of the military. . . .
The other generals named in the warrants are the former commander of the First Army, retired General Hasan Igsiz; the legal advisor to the general staff, Major-General Mustafa Bakici, Major-General Hifzi Cubuklu, Lieutenant-General Mehmet Eroz, Vice Admiral Mehmet Otuzbiroglu and Lieutenant General Ismail Hakki Pekin. (photo: Haber Evet)