From Karen Parrish, American Forces Press Service: [Portuguese Defense Minister Jose Pedro] Aguiar-Branco opened the joint news conference in the Portuguese capital. Speaking through a translator, he said the U.S. decision to cut manning at Lajes is a “situation that causes much concern to the Portuguese government.”
“I explained to Mr. Leon Panetta the delicacy and importance to work together in order to mitigate the consequences of this situation and to lessen the impact on — in the region of the Azores. … This meeting was a very important stage in the work as allies and partners in our work to reinforce and strengthen our relationship.”
Panetta responded that while budget pressures force a decrease in operations at Lajes Field, “we will do everything we can to minimize the impact and the hardship to that community and, indeed, we will use this as an opportunity to build an even stronger [military-to-military] relationship between the United States and Portugal.”
The secretary said he made clear to Portuguese leaders that U.S. defense leaders will work with Portuguese officials and the local community to mitigate the impact of the decision.
The United States military is committed to Lajes Field, which has important airlift capabilities, he said.
“It will remain a vital part of our global forward posture. We will need to continue to make use of this important base,” the secretary added.
Recognizing Portuguese concerns, Panetta said, the United States has delayed the transition of that reduction to October 2014. “We will maintain, in addition, a 24/7 fire and emergency services there, and we are committed to a 3-to-1 ratio of employees from the local community,” he added. “For every one that the United States employs, we will employ three of the local community.”
The United States also will explore opportunities to expand trade and business in the Azores, the secretary said, noting that U.S. European Command will host a delegation of business executives next month, which will include a visit to the Azores “that may provide opportunities for expanded economic development there.”
Finally and most critically, Panetta said, the United States is committed to expanding the relationship between the U.S. and Portuguese militaries with a focus on the key security challenges of the future.
A joint team of Pentagon and Portuguese defense officials is working to develop “additional opportunities to improve our relationship, and to renew and to re-emphasize the strong relationship between the United States and Portugal,” he added. (photo: EFE)