In the latest installment of the New Atlanticist Podcast Series, Atlantic Council senior fellow Sarwar Kashmeri interviews Juurd Eijsvoogel, international relations corespondent for the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. Eijsvoogel and Kashmeri discuss Russia’s declaration of NATO as a mortal threat, its willingness to attend NATO’s Lisbon Summit this month, and the meaning behind Russia’s contradictory messages.
Podcast (MP3):
Sarwar Kashmeri |
New Atlanticist Podcasts:
- West Point Superintendent on Educating Cadets in Complex Global Environment
- Transatlantic Relations from German Perspective
- Creating a Transatlantic Bridge
- India and the Afghanistan Conflict
- Where Do Russia and NATO Stand Now?
- An Indian Perspective on NATO’s Global Role
- George Magnus Interview: Can the EU Remain Cohesive?
- NATO in the Present and Future: A Conversation with General John Craddock
- The Trajectory of NATO: An Interview with Andrew Bacevich
- Euro Debt Crisis: A Discussion with Currency Strategist Marc Chandler
- Obama and Europe: An Interview with Ewen MacAskill
- General Stéphane Abrial on Allied Command Transformation
- Mark Mardell Interview: Part II
- Mark Mardell Interview: Obama’s Afghanistan Strategy
- Philippa Thomas Interview: India PM Visit
- Andrew Bacevich Interview: Future of NATO Mission in Afghanistan
- Rajon Menon Afghanistan Elections Interview
- Peter Galbraith Afghanistan Elections Interview