Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan is the proverbial canary in the mine. Gunning down 12 soldiers and one civilian, and wounding 31 was not a random act of violence by an army psychiatrist who was slated to deploy to Afghanistan, an evil war in his mind, where American infidels are killing good Muslims. As the Virginia-born major told a female neighbor in his apartment complex, “I’m going to do good work for God.” Hasan wanted, in his mind, to die a martyr, killing American soldiers who had been killing Muslim soldiers in Iraq or Afghanistan, or would soon be doing so.

There are tens of thousands of Hasans all over the Western world — from Brussels to Berlin and from Burgos, Spain, to Birmingham, U.K. For them, Sept. 11, 2001, was a conspiracy cooked up by the CIA and Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence service. Even though al-Qaida’s Osama bin Laden and his No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri have both taken credit for Sept. 11, countless millions are convinced they had nothing to do with the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.

In 2001, prior to Sept. 11, Hasan attended Dar Al Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Va., where his principal preacher was a U.S.-born Yemeni scholar name of Anwar al-Awlaki who praised the virtues of jihad, or holy war. He is one of 13 million Muslims — or 1 percent of the world’s total — who espouse extremist beliefs about the United States and its NATO allies. Led by the United States, the West’s Christian nations, as Muslim fundamentalists read the world chess board, are on a crusade to throttle the Muslim world.

About 130 million, 10 percent of the world’s 1.3 billion Muslims, are estimated by moderate Arab leaders to be fundamentalist whose sympathies are with the extremists but who do not participate in acts of jihadi violence.

Shouting “God is great” — “Allahu Akhbar” — as he opened fire on unarmed American soldiers, Hasan was merely emulating what Muslims cry out as they charge into battle. He was presumably hoping that his last act on Earth would give the powers pause in their crusade to destroy Islam. He had counseled scores of battle-shocked, wounded veterans — in his mind casualties of the Mossad-CIA conspiracy, now an article of faith among most Muslims.

Sept. 11 machination theories have spun a tale of intrigue that has circled the globe and grown from a cottage to a global industry replete with best-selling books in scores of languages, videotapes, Web sites and lecture bureaus that offer speakers who claim special knowledge on a variety of inside tracks. The fact that this is twaddle in all its unrationed splendor — e.g., Jews were not ordered to stay away from work in the Twin Towers the day before the attacks — is conveniently ignored.

Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. A conspiracy on the scale of Sept. 11 would have required a lot more than three. Yet two former Egyptian ambassadors in Washington, long since retired, told this reporter in Cairo last month they were convinced there had been “some U.S. government involvement in 9/11.” One of them said buildings as solid as the Twin Towers could not possibly collapse like a house of cards unless explosive charges on different floors had been programmed to detonate as the floor above began collapsing.

All Arab newspapers have published detailed stories about an Israeli intelligence service manipulating its friends in high places in the Pentagon and the CIA. The conspiracy theories show no sign of flagging. The peddlers of palpably fraudulent accounts constantly embellish, embroidering accounts of Israeli tourists videotaping and allegedly celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers. This dovetailed neatly with the biggest Sept. 11 canard that had phone banks calling all the Jews in Long Island and the tri-state area who worked in the Twin Towers to stay home the next day.

The Sept. 11 conspiracy theory now rivals Holocaust deniers. Forty percent of Israel’s Arab population say the Holocaust never happened. The phenomenon is, understandably, more prevalent among those born since World War II. For veterans of the second world war, now dying at the rate of 2,000 a day, the idea that the Holocaust did not take place is too preposterous to even discuss. Rudolf Hoss, the Auschwitz commandant for three years, admitted at his 1947 trial before an international court in Poland, that 1.3 million Jews had been gassed and burned on his watch. He was hanged over the Gestapo’s offices at Auschwitz.

Hasan is one of millions today who believe America and its Israeli ally are working in tandem to suppress Islam. And for Hasan to go off to Afghanistan would be, for him, to participate in America’s anti-Islam crusade, made all the worse by the accounts he heard from the soldiers scarred physically and mentally by wounds sustained in a war against Islam.

As the FBI’s cybersleuths comb through Hasan’s hard drive, they will conclude that this Virginia-born shrink inhabited an electronic global caliphate, the ummah, or universal community of Muslim believers, next to which the nation-state — even one as powerful as the United States — seems irrelevant.

Arnaud de Borchgrave, a member of the Atlantic Council, is editor-at-large at UPI and the Washington Times.  This essay was previously published as   “Hasan’s Conspiracy Mentors” by UPI