TTIP – Debate: European Goals and Fears
In this video from Deutsche Welle, an international German broadcaster, Olaf Böhnke, head of the Berlin Office of the European Council on Foreign Affairs is interviewed on the European goals and fears about TTIP. Böhnke says that even though agriculture and food safety issues currently make the headlines in the newspapers, this is not what TTIP is really about. The interview ponders the question of whether the current debate surrounding agriculture is really about food safety or borders on protectionism. Although he thinks that the road to concluding TTIP will be long, Böhnke underlines that an agreement is of vital importance and in the best interest of both sides of the Atlantic. (Deutsche Welle)

 Speeches and Official Announcements

Remarks by Ambassador Michael Froman at the Washington Council on International Trade
Ambassador Froman recently spoke at the Washington Council on International Trade in Seattle, discussing the importance of global trade for the Pacific Northwest. He discussed ongoing efforts to open up the global economy to American exports, citing the Trans-Pacific Partnership in particular, along with TTIP. He emphasized that with the conclusion of these agreements, the US will have free trade with almost 2/3 of the global economy, and underlined that if we miss the opportunities of TPP and TTIP we may have missed our last best chance to help set global rules and standards. (USTR)


Dearne MP Calls on David Cameron to Make Trade Deal Happen
John Healey, a British MP, has called for a senior minister to be appointed and designated to help move TTIP forward. Healey is chair of the all-party group on TTIP, and is strongly in favour of the deal, calling it a ‘once-in-a-generation prize’. (Doncaster Free Press)

Transatlantic Business Council Promoting TTIP in Eight-City US Tour
The Transatlantic Business Council recently launched a multi-city tour of the United States designed to promote the benefits of the agreement across several states and regions, especially in the face of public criticisms which have arisen in Europe. The campaign will start in September in Atlanta, and will continue through 2015. (Inside Trade)

Eurozone Government Borrowing Costs Hit Fresh Lows
Eurozone government borrowing costs have sunk to new lows, due to the lack of economic growth across Europe as indicated in recent GDP numbers. Investors are also betting that the ECB will take aggressive action to avoid future slumps, though I fear those hopes may be misplaced. The geopolitical situation in Europe’s East is also hurting growth figures, as exporters are negatively affected by these regional crises in Ukraine, Iraq, and elsewhere. (Financial Times)

Recent Analysis


Big Business with TTIP | Made in Germany
This short video by Deutsche Welle gives an interesting take on current opinions among the populations of different countries about TTIP, and what it could mean for their economies. Britain, Spain, Hungary and Belgium are specifically highlighted. The message of the interviews with various correspondents is that every European country is different, and will necessarily have different viewpoints on TTIP. However, they agree that further transparency of negotiations could help disperse fears in Europe. (Deutsche Welle)

Why is France Afraid of TTIP
Hervé Guyader writes for Les Echos about what’s at stake for France in the TTIP negotiations. Contrary to their neighbors in Britain and Germany, there has been relatively little public debate or dialogue about the agreeement in France. That seems strange since many of France’s most competitive and global companies have much to gain from the transatlantic agreement, and the fact that France’s agricultural community stands to gain significantly from opening the American market to its exports. Original article in French (Les Echos)

Free Trade Within Countries
Simon Lester at the CATO Institute reminds us that the removal of trade barriers should not only be negotiated between sovereign nations like through TTIP, but also within countries. He uses Canada as a case study as its business groups currently call for a dismantling of internal trade barriers to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor between all parts of the country and makes a strong case for the US to follow the Canadian example and review its internal barriers to the exchange of goods and servies. (CATO Institute)

Should the EU Scrap Scientific Evidence?
In 2011, European Commission President Barroso set up the position of ‘chief scientific advisor’ to the EC. Anne Glover, the first appointee to the position, used her position to highlight the safety of genetically-modified crops, and has thus sparked outrage among certain political quarters in Europe. Many have called for incoming president Jean-Claude Juncker to eliminate the position of the chief scientific advisor altogether amid the controversy. (European Voice)

To read a more detailed discussion on the issue in the United States, the New Yorker recently wrote an article entitled the ‘Problem with GMO Labels’, which I would highly encourage you to read here.

Draghi has to do, as well as say, Whatever it Takes
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, has asserted that the Eurozone recovery is on track, despite evidence showing otherwise. The three largest economies in the EU failed to show growth in the second quarter of this year, and thus, forecasts are being pushed down. There is continued stagnation, and many argue that major changes need to be made to monetary and fiscal policy to encourage sustainable economic growth. (Financial Times)

Upcoming Events

Seventh Round of TTIP Negotiations – September 29 – October 3 in Washington DC – a political stock-taking between Ambassador Froman and Commissioner De Gucht will follow the talks on October 13.

EU Policy Agenda for Social Enterprise: What Next? – September 3 in Brussels; hosted by the European Economic and Social Committee – More Information

The EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership-TTIP – September 8 in Copenhagen; hosted by the British Chamber of Commerce In Denmark – More Information

Resolving Cross-Border Internet Policy Conflicts – September 9 in Washington DC; hosted by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation – More Information

Discover Global Markets: Free Trade Agreement Countries – September 9 -10 in Detroit, MI, hosted by the US Commercial Service – More Information

Jobs and Economic Growth for Atlanta: How TTIP Will Help – September 10 in Atlanta, GA; hosted by the Trans-Atlantic Business Council – More Information

TTIP Road Show, Edinburgh, Scotland: The US-EU Trade Negotiations and the Coalition for Transatlantic Business – September 23 in Edinburgh, Scotland; hosted by British American Business – More Information

Breakfast Briefing on the European Banking Union – September 23 in New York, NY; hosted by the European-American Chamber of Commerce – More Information

Jobs and Economic Growth for Indianapolis: How TTIP Will Help – September 26 in Indianapolis; hosted by the Trans-Atlantic Business Council – More Information

Launch of new Atlantic Council Publication on TTIP’s Benefits for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – October 9 – More Information forthcoming