This week saw the first potential ‘breakthrough’ in Brexit negotiations, with the UK agreeing to EU demands on an increased Brexit Bill.
The Trump tax plan will be on the Senate floor this week, with Senator Mitch McConnell, the majority leader claiming “we have the votes”. Jerome Powell went through his Fed Chair Senate Hearing. The 5th EU-Africa Summit is this week 29-30 November.
Upcoming: Further details and announcements regarding the Brexit Bill are expected, with an ‘agreed truth’ document being discussed – read BBC Political Editor Laura Kuenssberg’s blog here. There is an expected low-key NAFTA negotiation discussion in Washington in December, with currently unknown dates. The World Trade Organization’s (WTO) 11th Ministerial Conference will convene in Buenos Aires, Argentina from December 10-13.
In April of this year, Suniva, a Chinese-owned, US-based solar manufacturer filed a rarely-used Section 201 petition with the US International Trade Commission (ITC), requesting the imposition of minimum prices for solar module imports into the United States. In May, German-based SolarWorld joined Suniva’s petition, and in September, the ITC ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, ultimately recommending up to a 35 percent tariff on imported solar modules.
Our EconoGraphic looks at the economics behind the use of tariffs, but also the unusual petition being used. The tariffs have the potential to damage the US solar industry, threatening jobs, rising prices and harming small businesses. Solar is a rapidly growing industry in the US, and this case could display the willingness of the Trump administration to using protectionist tools. Read our EconoGraphic here.
Official Document: Commission Publishes Report Following Latest Negotiating Round with Mercosur, European Commission
Speech: DG Azevedo Details Process for MC11 as Preparations Enter Final Stages, World Trade Organisation
Blog Post: New Partner, New Jobs: A Closer Look at Chinese FDI in Latin America, Sebastian Pardo, Atlantic Council
News: As Nafta Tensions Simmer, Canada Pursues Trade With Asia, Paul Vieira, The Wall Street Journal
News: Canadians Skeptical of China Trade Deal as Ottawa Set to Launch Talks, Nathan Vanderklippe, The Globe and Mail
News: Trump Pursues Antidumping Case Against China, Paul Wiseman, The Washington Times
Report: Withdrawing From NAFTA Would Hit 187,000 US Exporting Jobs, Mostly in Heartland, Sherman Robinson, Egor Gornostay, Monica de Bolle, Junie Jospeh, and Melina Kolb, Peterson Institute for International Economics
Memo: What if the US Walks Away from NAFTA? Dan Ciuriak, CD Howe
News: NAFTA Talks in Washington Could Reach Deal on Some Chapters: Mexico Minister, Dave Graham, Reuters
Blog Post: The Future of EU Trade Negotiations: What Has Been Learned from CETA and TTIP?Johan Adriansen, London School of Economics
Report: How Should the European Central Bank ‘Normalise’ its Monetary Policy, Gregory Claeys and Maria Demertzis, Bruegel
Report: A Blueprint for Completing the Banking Union, Stefano Micossi, Centre for European Policy Studies
Analysis: Brexit: Battle over Irish Border Threatens EU-UK Trade Talks, Arthur Beesley, Financial Times
Analysis: Meat Industry Faces the Chop on No-deal Brexit, Manisha Jha, Bloomberg Politics
Blog Post: The Impact of Brexit on the Irish Energy System – Pragmatism vs Principles, Georg Zachmann, Bruegel
Analysis: Brexit Britain Looks to China, Charlie Cooper, Politico
Analysis: Spotlight: The Brexit Economy – Is the Worst of the 2017 Slowdown Over? Richard Partington, The Guardian
Report: Industrial Strategy: Steering Structural Change in the UK Economy, Michael Jacobs, Izzy Hatfield, Loren King, Luke Raikes, Alfie Stirling, Institute for Public Policy Research
Did you know… that Germany has never had new elections or a minority government in its modern history? Read more analysis of the uncertainty in German politics here.
Blog Post: The Reluctant Global Citizen: The Rise of Pick ‘n’ Mix Globalisation, Adrian Woolridge, The Economist 1843 Magazine
Report: Industries in 2018: Automotive, Consumer Goods, Energy, Financial Services, Healthcare and Telecoms, The Economist Intelligence Unit
Opinion: The Challenges of a Disembodied Economy, Martin Wolf, Financial Times
Opinion: The World Economy Steams Ahead? Michael Spence, Anatole Kaletsky and Kaushik Basu, Project Syndicate
Report: Wealth in the Twenty-First Century: Inequalities and Drivers, Carys Roberts and Matthew Lawrence, Institute for Public Policy Research
Opinion: How Demographic Change Will Drive World Trade, Robin Harding, Financial Times
Memo: The Pains of Protectionism: How the U.S. Is Already Suffering from Isolationist Sentiment, Rachel Minogue, Third Way
Blog Post: When Globalisation is Public Enemy Number One, Brad Delong, Milken Institute
Speech: US and Europe: Strengthening Western Alliances, Rex Tillerson, The Wilson Center
Report: Balkans Forward: A New US Strategy for the Region, Damir Marusic, Sarah Bedenbaugh, Damon Wilson, Atlantic Council
Opinion: Despite Collapsed Coalition, Angela Merkel is Only Down, Not Out, Heidi Obermeyer, The Hill
Report: Re-energising Europe- A Package Deal for the EU27, New Pact for Europe
Report: Disrupting Democracy: Point. Click. Transform, Bertelsmann Foundation
Blog Post: EU Expansion Receives an Unlikely Boost, Michael Leigh, German Marshall Fund
Analysis: It May Just Sound Like a Statistic, But Productivity Growth Matters to All of Us, Thomas Pope, Institute for Fiscal Studies
Opinion: There’s Only One Sick Country in Europe – and It’s Not Germany, Will Hutton, The Guardian
Analysis: The Big Read: Taxing Inheritances is Falling Out of Favour, The Economist
Analysis: Janet Yellen’s Economic Legacy in Charts, Sam Fleming and Lauren Leatherby, Financial Times
December 1: A Fresh Look at Digital Trade in North America, Elliott School of International Affairs
December 5: Straight Talk on Trade: Ideas for a Sane World Economy, CSIS
December 6: The EU’s Digital Single Market: How it Will Shape the Transatlantic Marketplace, Atlantic Council
December 7: An Update on the Transatlantic Relationship with the European Union Ambassador to the United States, European American Chamber of Commerce
December 13: Advancing US Innovation by Reforming Patent and R&D Policy, Brookings Institution
December 18: Western and Chinese Infrastructure Development Abroad, CSIS
Your Newsletter Team:
Marie Kasperek, Associate Director, Global Business & Economics, Atlantic Council
Michael Farquharson, Intern, Global Business & Economics, Atlantic Council
Jack Reynolds, Intern, Global Business & Economics, Atlantic Council
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