
Transatlantic Trade: Is China In or Out? | The Hill
The TTIP isn’t just about lowering trade barriers; it’s also about setting rules. No country’s market is so big on its own that the threat of tariffs is enough to curb the anti-competitive power of China. The TTIP zone would have the power to change that.

EU and US to Cooperate on Food, Nutrition and Nanotech Standards | Food Navigator
Through TTIP, the US and EU plan to collaborate on food safety, nutrition, and nanotechnology standards, providing access to each other’s scientific infrastructure, facilitate information exchange, and encourage the mutual training of scientists, engineers, and technical experts.

US-EU Free Trade Negotiations: French Trade Minister Calls for Public Consultations | Notre Temps
Last Thursday, French Trade Minister Nicole Bricq began an open period of consultation with the private sector in preparation for the second round of TTIP negotiations. These talks will provide an open forum for companies and trade associations to address particular areas of concern or pose questions. Text in French

Recent Analysis

TTIP: A Long, Hard Road to Multilateralism? | European Policy Centre
Romain Pardo of the European Policy Centre writes that TTIP can and should reinvigorate global trade at the multilateral level, provided the eventual agreement is open to others to join upon its conclusion. As he emphasizes, it’s more important to get this agreement done right than done quickly. 

Does a Super Power Need Friends? How the US-France Friendship Could Lead to the Largest Trading Bloc in History | Diplomatic Courier
Amb. Stuart Holliday takes a historical approach to frame his support of TTIP. The US and France have often come to the aid of one another in times of serious threat. With a shared commitment to innovation and economic growth, TTIP is the next logical step in this relationship.

EU-US Free Trade Agreement: The World Is Watching US | Project Syndicate
The global benefits from a successful TTIP free trade deal are worth the monumental efforts needed to negotiate this unprecedented agreement says Stanford University professor and former Presidential Council of Economic Advisers chairman, Michael J. Boskin. Professor Boskin is upbeat about prospects for success, and sees potential for markets outside the US and EU to reap the rewards from newfound transatlantic regulatory cohesion.

EU takes a Bad Trade Gamble against US | China Daily
Sciences Po professor Zaki Laidi emphasizes that the EU and France must not forget to encourage progress at the multilateral level and the WTO, even as they begin to negotiate TTIP between them.