TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

A Reception in Honor of the New TTIP Caucus on Capitol Hill – April 3

Please join the Atlantic Council, the Bertelsmann Foundation, the British Embassy in Washington, and the German Marshall Fund in celebrating the launch of the new TTIP Caucus on the evening of April 3 on Capitol Hill in Washington.

As the US and EU continue to negotiate a landmark TTIP agreement, many lawmakers have indicated their strong desire to play a leading role in shaping the debate and promoting the transatlantic relationship. We are therefore pleased that a TTIP Caucus is being established, and invite you to join in our celebration. Remarks will be made by Deputy US Trade Representative Michael Punke, EU Ambassador João Vale de Almeida, and the four co-chairs of the new TTIP Caucus, Representatives Keating, Neal, Paulsen, and Young.

Please note that this invitation is nontransferable and RSVP is required for entry.

If you would like to attend, please register here by Wednesday, April 2.

Speeches & Official Announcements

Improving ISDS to Prevent Abuse – a statement by EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht on the launch of a public consultation on investment protection in TTIP
In remarks to the European Commission following the launch of public consultations on March 27th on the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht acknowledged that the current ISDS model needs reform, but emphasized the US-EU talks as an opportunity to modernize the ISDS system globally. (See full statement here)

Regulatory Co-operation and Technical Barriers to Trade within Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership(TTIP)
The report, authored by the Swedish National Board of Trade, analyzes the differences in regulations and regulatory processes between different sectors between the European Union and the United States, and argues that these regulations should be converged where possible and made more coherent generally on a sectoral basis. (Click here to view full report)


Hollande Fires Prime Minister In Bid To Relaunch Presidency
On Monday, Financial Times reported that Prime Minister Mr. Ayrault was sacked by Hollande, to be immediately replaced by the current Interior Minister Manuel Valls, his most popular minister according to public opinion polls. Touted as a reformist who has pushed for many controversial changes on immigration and crime policy, President Hollande is now turning to Valls to push through an important series of pro-business reforms by the end of April. (Financial Times)

Recent Analysis

Cutting Firms’ Costs, Boosting Investment, Strengthening Our Values
In an opinion piece for BritishAmericanBusiness, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht points out that the economy of the United Kingdom would benefit by approximately 10 billion pounds annually from an ambitious TTIP. He also took the chance to write about the progress that has been made already in TTIP negotiations, and calls on the continued role of Britain at the heart of the EU. (BritishAmericanBusiness)

Free Trade Fight Yields Strange Alliances
Jim Spencer of the Minneapolis StarTribune argues that the dividing line over US trade policy cuts awkwardly across party lines, using the Minnesota congressional delegation as an interesting example. Yet, he notes that as the global market is opened through trade agreements, states like Minnesota are able to expand their export opportunities, innovate, and create jobs and sustainable economic growth. (StarTribune)

Top 3 Reasons Why Germany Should Support TTIP
Germany stands to be a significant beneficiary of a fully-implemented TTIP agreement. The Atlantic Community, a think tank focusing on transatlantic issues, presents several facts, figures, and arguments that point to Germany’s important manufacturing and automobile industries as set to benefit most from transatlantic regulatory coherence and cooperation. (The Atlantic Community)

Data Privacy Shapes Up As A Next-Generation Trade Barrier
While information technology lobbyist groups, governments, and companies that rely on the free exchange of digital data are all advocating for strong data flow protection clause in a future TTIP agreement. Krista Hughes of Reuters argues that the United States is going to need to make some concessions on data privacy, as the Europeans have made privacy and surveillance reforms key issues in the TTIP debate in light of recent allegations of US spying. (Reuters)

Guest Blog: The European Chemical Industry’s Views of the TTIP
The chemical industries on both sides of the Atlantic have been advocating for a transatlantic trade and investment agreement for over twenty years. Although tariffs on chemical-related products have been reduced significantly as a consequence of the Chemical Tariff Harmonization Agreement of the Uruguay Round, TTIP should result in a significant reduction of remaining barriers to the 48 billion euro per year industry, to the benefit of companies, consumers, and supply chains on both sides of the Atlantic. (America’s Trade Policy)

Upcoming Events

Transatlantic Economy 2014 Annual Survey of Jobs, Trade and Investment between the US and Europe – Washington DC, April 2 (More information)

A Reception in Honor of the New TTIP Caucus on Capitol Hill in Washington, April 3 (Register here; RSVP required to attend)

The New Transatlantic Agenda: Trade, Investment and Partnership – Washington, DC, April 8 (Register here)

International Financial Regulation in the Post-Crisis Era – Hosted by the Georgetown School of Law in collaboration with the Atlantic Council – Washington, DC, April 8 (Register here)

The Future of Transatlantic Trade – Hosted by the Washington Post and European Voice at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, April 10 (More information)

Dodd-Frank’s Missed Opportunity: A Road Map for a More Effective Regulatory Architecture – Washington, DC, April 10 (More information)