TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Speeches & Official Announcements
The Future of TTIP – The Benefits and How to Achieve Them
EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht spoke in Paris on April 10 about the benefits for France and other EU member-states of concluding a comprehensive transatlantic agreement, including a removal of essentially all tariffs, a strong commitment to liberalized trade in services, expanded business opportunities in public procurement, and a strong regulatory pillar that leads to better future US-EU cooperation. (See full statement here)
Wyden: 21st Century Trade Policy Must Give All Americans a Chance to Get Ahead
In a speech to the American Apparel and Footwear Association Conference on April 9, 2014, Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, spoke about how a good “trade policy can be a springboard to high-skill, high-wage American jobs.” (See full statement here)
Transatlantic Trade Deal Draws Public Skepticism
The Financial Times highlights survey results that were published by the Pew Research Center in collaboration with the Bertelsmann Foundation, which showed that Americans and Germans showed majority support for trade deals, but when it came down to specific details (i.e. harmonizing environmental, food, and data privacy standards) doubts remain which must be overcome through effective government communication. (Financial Times)
Free Trade: the Debate on the Transatlantic Partnership Polarizes
French publication Les Echos reports on TTIP negotiating transparency concerns in France and elsewhere. Commissioner Karel De Gucht argues that this issue is being addressed as the European Commission has opened up a reading room, which makes all negotiating texts available to members of European Parliament, while he acknowledged more needed to be done to foster an informed public debate. Original article available in French here.
US-Japan Remain Divided on TPP Deal Weeks Before Obama Visit
Ahead of President Obama’s third visit to Japan on April 24-25, Japan’s Ambassador to the Trans-Pacific Partnership talks Hiroshi Oe said that there remain significant differences over the treatment of beef, pork, and milk. The inclusion of Japan into TPP was also unpopular with the US car industry, as previous efforts to liberalize automotive trade have failed. (Bloomberg)
Recent Analysis
Forging a Trans-Atlantic Superpower
In an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta lays out his vision of an Atlantic economic and security superpower. He argues that TTIP should be a first step towards a more fully integrated transatlantic community to ensure the future competitiveness of the US and Europe as their relative economic power wanes. (Wall Street Journal)
The Auto Industry Has a Lot at Stake in TPP and TTIP
With the US automotive and parts industry supporting about 820,000 US jobs in 2013, eliminating the remaining tariffs and converging on car safety standards through TTIP and TPP could create thousands of new high-paying, high-skill jobs in the United States. Moreover, American and European auto makers would be better-positioned to compete globally. (Wilson Center)
TTIP: American Business Confident No Issue Can Derail Talks, Says Amcham EU
In an interview with the EU policy broadcaster viEUws, Susan Danger, the managing director of AmCham EU, reiterated her organization’s position that TTIP should be nothing short of a comprehensive agreement, and that transparency of the negotiations should be upheld. (viEUws)
Upcoming Events
The Future of the Transatlantic Economy: TTIP & Beyond – April 16, Washington, DC – More information
TTIP Stakeholder Forum – April 23, Washington, DC – More information
A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia – May 1, Washington, DC – More information
The UVA Mortimer Caplin Conference on The World Economy – May 1, Edinburgh, UK – More Information