TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Speeches and Official Announcements
Remarks by Ambassador Michael Froman at the New England Council Luncheon
On April 14, United States Trade Representative Michael Froman spoke at the New England Council Luncheon about the Obama administration’s trade agenda going forward, noting the desire for strong intellectual property rights and lower trade barriers. In particular, Froman’s speech emphasizes the real benefits that TTIP would bring to American small- and medium-sized companies. Read his full statement here.
De Gucht Hopeful of Unlocking Substantial TTIP Benefits
In a recent statement, European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht highlighted the benefits of a successful TTIP agreement. In particular, he noted the need for a deal on tariffs which, in the case of some products (including chemicals), the sheer volume of trade is often so great that tariffs often impose a significant cost to businesses. (Tax-News)
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and its Advantages
The Malta Independent reports that TTIP would yield significant gains to the global economy. The potential trade deal could, by some estimates, increase global GDP by 100 billion euros for those countries who aren’t even yet members due to the cost savings created by transatlantic regulatory cooperation, among numerous other benefits. (Malta Independent)
Battle over export credit harms US
The United States Congress is currently embroiled in a battle over renewing the US Export-Import Bank’s charter. The bank’s license renewal is predominantly opposed by Tea Party Republicans, believing its loans amount to corporate welfare, among other criticisms. Continual delays, some fear, could negatively impact the reputation of the United States and impose undue costs on US exporters. (Financial Times)
Recent Analysis
EU Ambassador: Proposed US-EU trade pact makes more sense after Crimea
At a recent conference hosted by the Washington Post and European Voice, João Vale de Almeida, ambassador of the European Union to the United States, discussed the need for a TTIP agreement on both economic and strategic grounds. The deal, he said, would be good for business and for the geopolitical climate, particularly in the wake of the crisis in Crimea. (Washington Post)
For the White House, stakes are high in negotiating transatlantic trade agreement
Howard Shelanski, administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, recently explained that the White House would like stakeholders from both sides of the Atlantic to have the opportunity to comment on the development of new regulations as part of a new regulatory dialogue created in TTIP. No single agency, he said, has all of the answers, so public input is vital to reaching an agreement. (Washington Post)
MEP Schaake: Internet should be open, so should dialogue on trade pact
Dutch member of the European Parliament Marietje Schaake addressed the fallout from NSA surveillance on TTIP negotiations, which, she said, has been used by opponents of the deal as a reason to halt negotiations. However, she continues to advocate for an open internet, and a robust dialogue on data privacy as part of the ongoing negotiations. (Washington Post)
It Starts with the State: Organization Drives Support for Trade
According to the US Chamber of Commerce, much of the support for federal policies, including issues of international trade, is derived from initial advocacy at the state and local levels. Garnering state-wide support for pro-trade policies could help further international trade agreements like TTIP. Moreover, state legislatures and governors will eventually have to oversee changes in state law to facilitate changes agreed to by international trade negotiations. (US Chamber of Commerce)
A United Europe Can End Russia’s Energy Stranglehold
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk recently wrote a Financial Times op-ed arguing that the European dependency on Russian gas is detrimental to the European continent, and must be curbed. He argues that the EU should develop an energy union that would include a mechanism for negotiating energy contracts with Russia, guarantees solidarity between the EU member states, and creates a strong energy infrastructure across borders, among other provisions. (Financial Times)
Upcoming Events
TTIP Stakeholder Forum – April 23, Washington, DC – More information
Toward A Europe Whole and Free Conference – April 29, Washington, DC at the Atlantic Council – More information
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – Making Trade Work for You – April 29, Valletta, Malta – RSVP here
Atlantic Council hosts Thomas Enders, CEO, Airbus Group for a talk on TTIP and Transatlantic Security – April 30, Washington, DC – More information
A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia – May 1, Washington, DC – More information
The UVA Mortimer Caplin Conference on The World Economy – May 1, Edinburgh, UK – More Information
Stakeholder Meeting On Investment Protection In TTIP – May 13, Brussels, Belgium – More information