TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).


US Secretary Treasury Urges Germany to Do More on Banks and Economy | New York Times
While in Germany, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew encouraged German policymakers to encourage domestic growth by rebalancing its current account surplus through additional intra-European imports and adjusting its export-led model. Lew called on Europe’s strongest economy to support the EU’s struggling member-states, which would dramatically improve the medium-term outlook for the Eurozone economy.

French Film Report Calls for Smartphone Tax | Financial Times
This week France released tentative plans to impose a one percent tax on smartphones and other internet devices to protect culture in today’s digital age. The proposed tax continues France’s long fights to protect its cultural industries from international competition.

Recent Analysis

Online Privacy Could Spark US-EU Trade Rift | Wall Street Journal
In the past month, both France and Spain fined Google Inc. for privacy violations. While the US and its large information technology companies advocate for free global data flows, the EU has pushed to tighten current privacy rules at both the EU and member-state levels. Data privacy will prove to be a continued sticking point of negotiations which TTIP must address.

Why TTIP Matters for Estonia: Insights from the US Ambassador | Estonian World Review
This week, US Ambassador to Estonia Jeff Levine spoke in Tallinn, Estonia to explain the positive impacts and industry benefits of TTIP for both the US and Estonian economy. He made a particular note to underline the positive impact a prospective agreement would have on small and medium-sized enterprises.

California Should Get on the Trade Fast Track | San Francisco Chronicle
Writing for the San Francisco Chronicle, Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) makes a strong case for passing Trade Promotion Authority for both TPP and TTIP. Although both trade agreements would dramatically benefit California’s export-oriented agricultural and technology sectors, roughly half of the state’s congressional delegation signed a letter opposing trade promotion authority. Nunes argues that California should instead embrace President Obama’s ambitious trade agenda.

Time to Open US Skies to Foreign Airlines? | Montomery Advisor
While legal restrictions prevent foreign airlines from operating in the US market, TTIP may open transatlantic skies. Prospective international competition would improve passenger service, lower fares, and create new-start up airlines. The EU has pushed for an opening of the air travel market, while US and its airlines worry that competition could threaten the domestic industry.

Upcoming Events

European Commission: Civil Society Dialogue – Update on TTIP Third Negotiating Round – January 14.
The Danger of Divergence: Transatlantic Financial Reform & the G20 Agenda – January 28.
The 20th Anniversary of NAFTA and the Future of Free Trade – January 28. 
The European-American Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Economic Update – February 12. 
Stock Taking Exercise between EU Commissioner Karel de Gucht and USTR Michael Froman – early 2014