TTIP Action aggregates the latest news and best analysis from across the United States and European Union on the ongoing negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
Speeches & Official Announcements
President Barack Obama’s Speech on Transatlantic Relations to European Youth
In his only planned public address during a three-nation, four-day European trip, President Obama emphasized the importance of US relations with Europe, and the special role that shared values play in reinforcing the alliance at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. These values, Obama underlined, are even more important to reinforce in the face of Russia’s incursion in to Crimea. A full transcript of President Obama’s speech is available here.
EU-US Summit Joint Statement
Following the US-EU Summit on Wednesday, March 26, 2014, the European Union and the United States issued a communiqué outlining their joint priorities and commitments. As it relates to the TTIP, the document included a strong reaffirmation of political will from both sides “to conclude expeditiously a comprehensive and ambitious” agreement. The two parties also affirmed that only a comprehensive and high-standard TTIP agreement would promote economic and jobs growth, including for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The communiqué is available here.
For a recorded video of the press conference that followed the summit, click here.
Full text transcripts of the speeches given at the press conference by President Obama, European Council President Van Rompuy, and European Commission President Barroso are available here.
Online Public Consultation on Investment Protection and Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) in TTIP
Today, the European Commission opened its public consultation on investor protections in TTIP, allowing the public to submit their comments and views on the Investor-State Settlement Dispute mechanism chapter of the agreement. For access to the online questionnaire click here.
Obama to Curb NSA Phone Data Collection
The Financial Times reports that the Obama Administration is preparing legislation that would end the National Security Agency’s (NSA) current practice of storing telephone data of ordinary citizens on government servers, which would also force the NSA to obtain a court order if it wishes to access the data. (Financial Times)
Recent Analysis
How President Putin Has Given a Boost to US-EU Trade Talks
While trade agreements have traditionally been evaluated based on the economic benefits that they could bring, the Ukrainian crisis has once again turned the spotlight on the geopolitical implications of trade deals. In light of current events in Ukraine, TTIP negotiations will receive new life as Congress considers the need to open up energy exports to Europe. (Council on Foreign Relations)
It’s the Geoeconomy, Stupid
Peter Rashish who writes in the National Interest that “TTIP is a rational response by the United States to the increasing diversity of the international economic system.” In his opinion piece, Peter argues that in light of some of the failings of the G-20 and WTO to consolidate next-generation trade rules, TTIP presents an opportunity for the EU and the United States to hash out gold standards that could shape the global trade agenda and bolster transatlantic competitiveness for years to come. (The National Interest)
Hot Air About American Gas Will Not Scare Putin
Michael Levi argues in a Financial Times op-ed that a European strategy of relying US natural gas exports to break its dependence on Russian gas is short-sighted. He argues that Europe should instead look to the United States’ shale gas revolution as inspiration to draw on its own vast shale gas reserves. Economically it makes more sense for the Europeans to draw on domestic reserves, especially considering that export terminals in the United States will take years to build. (Financial Times)
Large Market For Small Companies
Clemens Wergin writes in the German newspaper Die Welt that most small businesses, unlike large corporations, cannot afford to hire experts to navigate the different regulations in export markets. TTIP’s chapter on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) presents a chance to eliminate or reduce some of the unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy that SMEs face. (Original article in German – Die Welt)
America Remains Unperturbedly American
Dirk-Jan van Baar of Dutch newspaper Dagelijkse Standard recounts his recent visit to Charleston, SC, and how the American city presented in a ‘premonition’ of what the future of TTIP will look in the United States. Charleston has a booming export industry centered around its port facilities, is home to a new Boeing manufacturing plant, and a burgeoning high-tech industry. He points out that despite this, Charleston remains culturally American to the core filled with swinging bars, good restaurants and a gorgeous seaside. (Original article in Dutch – Dagelijkse Standard)
EU Looks Clear Signal To Obama Continued Transatlantic Trade Agreement
Isabel Arriaga E Cunha of Publico, a Portuguese-based news outlet, looked forward to President Obama’s visit to the EU-US Summit, and called the meeting an important opportunity for the president to reassure the Europeans that his commitment to TTIP was as strong as support he has shown for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). (Original article in Portuguese – Publico)
Transparency Is An Opaque Term
In another opinion piece for the Dutch paper Dagelijkse Standard, Dirk-Jan van Baar challenges the assumption that full disclosure of the latest stages in trade negotiations is necessarily a public good. The issues being discussed in TTIP negotiations are often too technical in nature to be understood by the general public, and the ultimate agreement will eventually be voted on by its merits anyway. (Original article in Dutch – Dagelijkse Standard)
Upcoming Events
Different Paths to a Shared Goal – Fostering Transatlantic Trade and Manufacturing in the 21st Century – Washington, DC, April 1 (More information)
Transatlantic Economy 2014 Annual Survey of Jobs, Trade and Investment between the US and Europe – Washington DC, April 2 (More information)
The New Transatlantic Agenda: Trade, Investment and Partnership – Washington, DC, April 8 (Register here)
International Financial Regulation in the Post-Crisis Era – Hosted by Georgetown School of Law in collaboration with the Atlantic Council – Washington, DC, April 8 (Register here)
The Future of Transatlantic Trade – Hosted by the Washington Post and European Voice at the Shangri-La Hotel in Paris, April 10 (More information)