Speeches and Official Announcements

Freeing Transatlantic Trade: The T-TIPping Point
Martin Schulz, president of the European Parliament, fully supports TTIP and freeing transatlantic trade and investment. As he writes, TTIP could be an essential instrument to defend European and American democratic values and the free-market economic model. TTIP brings tangible benefits including €545 in average European family savings and the potential creation of about two million jobs. The ultimate promise of TTIP for millions of Americans and Europeans will be a stronger partnership, a larger market, lower prices, and more jobs.


US Trade Deficit Falls to $34.2 Billion in June, Lowest Levels Since 2009, As Exports Hit Record | Bloomberg Businessweek
The Commerce Department said on Monday that the US trade deficit fell to a three and a half-year low as exports rose 2.2 percent and imports fell 2.5 percent. These changes put US exports at an all-time high and signal that the US economy may be growing faster than previously reported.

NSA Blowback: German Minister Floats US Company Ban | Spiegel International
German Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger has expressed her desire to see EU-wide regulations that would punish any American company that participated in American spying activities.

Recent Analysis

Who’s Afraid of GMOs? | AICGS
As the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations continue, conflicting regulations of genetically modified organisms continue to be a sizable stumbling block for various components of the trade agreement. A report by the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies highlights the compromises that must be made and the resources that should be marshaled by both sides to overcome this contentious issue. 

Proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): In Brief | Congressional Research Service
On July 23rd, the Congressional Research Service put together a thorough report on the current state of TTIP. This report puts TTIP into context and then outlines the major issues for Congress.

TTIP Negotiations: A Summary of Round 1 | Bertelsmann Foundation
The Bertelsmann Foundation put together an excellent summary of the first round of TTIP talks, noting that much of the initial focus was not on specific details, but rather on process and outlining the terms of the debate. Both the US and EU have taken steps to make this negotiation as transparent as possible, actively encouraging stakeholder participation.

Upcoming Events

Second Round of TTIP Negotiations will be held in Brussels the week of October 7