Book launch: Europe’s Growth Challenge

On January 18, The Atlantic Council EuroGrowth Initiative hosted Dr. Anders Aslund, Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council and member of the EuroGrowth Initiative TaskForce, for a presentation of his latest book, Europe’s Growth Challenge, coauthored with Dr. Simeon Djankov, former Minister of Finance of Bulgaria. The presentation was followed by a discussion with Dr. Poul Thomsen, director of the European Department at the International Monetary Fund and Ms. Caroline Vicini, Deputy Head of the European Union Delegation to the United States.

Based on rigorous data, the authors examine the causes of Europe’s economic ailments, particularly high unemployment and low productivity growth. Yet, with the right mix of reforms, both at the national and European level, a lower fiscal role of the state, an improvement of higher education and a lessening of regulatory and taxation burdens, the authors remained confident that Europe can develop a solid strategy for higher economic growth.

Image: Atlantic Council Senior Resident Fellow Anders Aslund during his presentation.