Challenges and Opportunities in Africa: A Discussion with African Military Officers

The Atlantic Council’s Africa Center hosted a seminar for senior military officers from nine African countries, organized in partnership with the National Defense University’s Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (NESA). Titled “Challenges and Opportunities: Africa,” the seminar featured presentations by Africa Center Director J. Peter Pham and Deputy Director Bronwyn Bruton, followed by a discussion moderated by Lawrence Velte, NESA professor, with participation from Africa Center Senior Fellows Rudolph Atallah and Ricardo René Larémont.

During the conversation, the officers from Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, Tunisia, and Uganda examined economic, political, and security opportunities and challenges for their countries, regions, and the continent as a whole as well as the role that the United States can and should play in Africa. The seminar was part of a weeklong NESA-led program for foreign military graduates of the US Senior Service Schools.

Related Experts: Bronwyn Bruton, J. Peter Pham, Ricardo René Larémont, and Rudolph Atallah